In the first week of December Mamma, Kez and I all went to Mead Open Farm, which is just outside of Leighton Buzzard.
We'd never been before and, despite the blisteringly cold weather, had a lovely time. I think we will take Sue and Harry during the Easter hols to see the chicks and stuff!
Kezia had a brilliant time meeting all the different animals and at one point one of the staff members got the rabbits and guinea pigs out of their hutches for the children to stroke. Kezia was amazed by these warm bundles of fluff and became totally captivated by them, just running from hay bale to hay bale to stroke the next one and have a word in it's floppy ear. She even fed one a piece of hay from her hand! Ok, so she pointed and stabbed in it's general direction and it eventually gave up fighting against the whirlwind of determination that is my daughter and ate the piece of straw. Thank god - or we'd have been there all day whilst she wrestled it into submission!
The farm had converted one of their barns into a series of small passageways which wended their way through a winter wonderland. These scenes also had tame rabbits trolling around them, so grandma ended up doing several turns of this as Kezia dragged her on by her reins!
It was a lovely day and definitely one to be repeated regularly. And grandma did exceedingly well, considering just how disinterested she is in the world of animals!
Mead Open Farm from Emma Hooper on Vimeo.
Early Dec 2010 Kez, mamma and I went to look round a local farm.