Can we gave a standing ovation please?

Well, it's true what they say about kids (who'da thought it!) and they really do have sudden bursts of activity and doing stuff...

As I said in my earlier post, Kezia has now got the hang of the crawl - or the floor swim as we like to call it! She can get herself up on all fours properly and in fact, when she does, she rocks forwards and backwards and laughs at herself (simple pleasures) but when she wants to move forwards the knees seem to collapse and we do a combat crawl along the floor. But we only use one knee, so the other leg just gets pulled along limply behind her. At first, I was worried that perhaps there was something wrong with her hips and that she was moving like that for a reason, but after watching her for a few days I can  see that she does use both legs to do the pushing - just not on the same trip! Lil weirdo. I can but hope that she doesn't think that walking works like this!

She has also started standing at the side of the playpen to talk to her daddy. She isn't pulling herself up yet, but Chance pulls her up to the side and she grabs on and has a merry old chat. Chance has been moving her hands along the bars to teach her to move along them and yesterday she moved not only her hands on her own but also her feet! So she has developed a kinda wobbly sideways walk! The fact that she can do this means that she  now wants to do it all the time ... but she needs supporting whilst she does it, so I'm spending a lot of time sitting next to things whilst she gets the hang of this new skill. I really must remember to thank Chance for that lil gem!