Well, this month sees the arrival of little Kezia's four month birthday. Who would've thought that time would pass so quickly?
Each day she can do something new. It's fascinating to watch and I am so proud to be her mummy!
This week has seen her really chuckle on demand ... and I've finally found some key things that make her chuckle. At last! I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever get the hang of it. Nothing more embarrassing than saying to people "oh yes, she laughs at things now" and then not being able to make her chuckle! tee hee
I'm starting to get things into gear in terms of the christening now and have decided what type of gown she will be wearing - are you ready for this?! I'm KNITTING her a christening gown! Mad you might think, and quite probably! But the only gowns that I really like are seriously expensive and made in America and I dont want her to be in something that lots of other babies are likely to be wearing this year. She is an individual baby and should be dressed as such! And christening dresses do look cheap if you just get the cheap ones, I have found. SO, I have a lovely pattern that is a gorgeous long dress and have got some sparkly white wool to knit it with. I'm also going to do a cape to go with it. :D Should be individual enough I reckon! chuckle. And as it is winter and christmas I think a wool one will go down very nicely. I'm also going to make a petticoat shift to go underneath it too. Go me!
Yesterday lil Kez had her last lot of immunisations ... three injections this time! Boy, did she scream the place down! I think this lot must've really hurt becuase she was far more fractious this time round than with the other ones. Yesterday was a minefield of crying for her. All she wanted was to be held and each time she dropped off to sleep I would put her down, but she would then howl in her sleep, so I spent most of yesterday with her strapped to me in her sling, bless her old heart. This morning she has only woken up for a feed and a short play and has gone straight back to sleep again. With any luck she'll sleep through most of the day and get it out of her system. Poor lil gal. Thank goodness we dont have any more for another 8 months. And at least yesterday was the worst of the injections. She wont have to have three in one go again. Phewee is all I can say. It did make her hungry though, as last night she ate three ice cubes of a pureed dinner called Grandpa's Sunday Lunch, then she scoffed down two pureed cubes of apple, and one cube of chocolate mousse and then amazed me by following this one with nearly a whole jar of pureed pear and banana! I've never known her eat so much! She must've needed it to help her immune system fight off this new round of bugs.
Am hoping that she starts to feel better after today as on Thursday we have a day of activities planned and on Friday we're off to Kent to go to Nicki's funeral ...