We started the year off with some much needed dressage lessons. Of course, who better to do this on than dear old Neddy whilst wearing one's pyjama's. What can I say, folks. This is what happens when I leave my two herberts alone together unsupervised
Then came my birthday and snow! Hurrah! Not enough snow to make a fuss about really, but snow none the less!
March saw the arrival of the eclipse, and we met Mamma at Ampthill Park early in the morning to watch it. We had researched how to make eclipse viewers and had decided upon our favourite method - colanders and paper. As you can see, we totally had the hang of it.
And thus ended the period of peace because ... Chance bought himself and Kezia's nerf guns. Oh yes. The foolish, foolish man armed wee Genghis with a gun. It might only shoot foam bullets but they can be shot with a surprising amount of precision. As my forehead can testify.
Since that fateful day, Kezia's true personality has come to the fore. She has researched who runs what countries and organisations and has discovered that there isn't a President of The World. So she is going to be the first one. We further compounded her abilities to take over the world by introducing her to Forest School ... where you learn survival skills e.g. fire making, whittling, how to use a knife correctly ... Chance commemorated this changing moment in our history on Facebook:
"Today, we did forest school and someone taught Kezia how to make fire. Next time she can learn how to use a knife. This is like being the person who taught Genghis Khan how to ride a pony or Sweeny Todd how to shave... Especially as she already declared an interest in being President Of The World once she realised there was not one in place at the moment.
I apologise to future generations who survive the aftermath. No doubt she will have conquered the world at the head of a horde riding angry Shetlands and accompanied by armies of manic huskies. It would have been noisy, so very noisy."