The Chickenpox Christmas

Wow - when, exactly, did 2012 get here?! We've had such a busy and frantic December I can't quite believe that we've hit January already.

So, to update you all on recent Hooper shannigans. Our Christmas started with Kezia's Christmas Concert (see earlier blog entry) which was just lovely. Unfortunately, Kezia caught a stinking cold during this time and was rather poorly and grumpy afterwards. She was just starting to recover when, a week before Christmas, she came down with chicken pox.

It was really bad timing. We had Nanny and Grampy Hooper (Jean and Robin) to stay the weekend before Christmas but Chance and I spent the night of their stay with a very sick and vomitty Kezia. So we had a very quiet Christmas celebration that weekend. We opened our presents with Kezia sleeping wrapped up in blankets on the settee. She came too once in a while to stroke her presents from Nanny and Grampy but other than that she was too poorly to do anything. Poor old in-laws had to have sandwiches for tea before going home, whilst our turkey crown and all the trimmings slowly went south in the fridge! It was such a shame.

And then the next day I woke up to find that Kezia was rather spotty. And then more spotty. And then a bit more ... so off to the nurse we went for our chicken pox confirmation! Poor old Kez. She managed very well with it - most of the spots were on her body and bottom and her face was saved completely. She also got away really well on the scarring front, and just has 2 very small marks on the front of one shoulder, which will undoubtedly fade with time. They're tiny.

Sadly, we had lots of activities planned for Kezia in the week up to Christmas - a special Christmas Ride on her cousins pony Bill, a mini Christmas with her 4 Great Grandparents and the local village fair and carol concert. All of this we had to avoid, as we were in quarantine until the Thursday before Crimbo. It also means that in all of our Christmas photos and videos she is wearing her pyjamas, because they were comfy against her skin and kept her warm! So she looks like a right little ragamuffin. Poor sausage!

Kezia was thoroughly spoiled by everyone at Christmas, both by their gifts and by their company. So thank you to you all. That you think of my lass at Christmas time is unexpected and lovely. What a wonderful and large family she has in all of you. We love you all. xxx

The Chickenpox Christmas:

The Stick Horse

Hi chaps
Sorry it's been so long since our last update - horrible and slow death of macbook! Thank god for the Church of Steve, otherwise known as the Apple store! 

I'm doing a bit of catch up here (news about December and Christmas to follow shortly)

At the end of November I organised a family get together at Wimpole Hall (yup - we like it there!) and had a lovely time.

It was so long ago now, I can't remember many specific details to relay. But Kezia learnt to ride a horse, thanks to her Suzie, and everyone had an awesome time jumping in a big leaf pile that we'd made! Even the adults joined in. There are some amazing photos somewhere - I believe they belong to Soph or Tom - that if I ever get my hands on I shall post up here! Chance jumping headlong into a pile of leaves was a sight worth seeing. Sophie delicately placed herself in the middle of it like a little ballerina, Trevor threw himself head first into it like a plane and came up gasping for air whilst Kezia went in with a scream!

Below is a very short video of our time there. It was a lovely day. A lovely opportunity to visit an old family haunt with everyone, approx 15 yrs on!

Spending time with my cousins brought back lovely memories of my childhood with them at Wimpole but it was also lovely to see the two young ones of our group create their own memories of the leaves. Sometimes you just can't beat a Watkinson-Wyatt adventure.