Who'd like some cake?

Well, we did it. Kezia has successfully seen in her first year!  I can't quite believe just how quickly the last year has gone, nor how much we've got done/been witness to in that short time!

The year has seen Kezia learn to roll, sit up, chat, stand,  find her hands, find her tongue, discover all the noises she can now make, learn how the piano keys work, learn to climb the stairs, learn to crawl properly, learn key words like 'mamma' 'dadda' 'nanna', learn to dance with our arms in the air, learn to giggle, learn to play, learn to be cheeky, learn how to pass objects, learn how to actively play peep-bo, learn how to feed herself, learn to spot her parents in a photograph, see the arrival of two teeth ... as you can see the  list is endless! As it is with most babies, I know, but I will also be extra proud of anything little Kezia ever does. :D

We had a lovely day with Kezia on her actual birthday. We decided not to bombard her with presents all in one go, in case it did her in a bit, so we spread the gifts out through out the day. Starting with an old fasioned wire and ball puzzle that she had when she was rolling about in bed in the morning with Chance and I.

When we poddled downstairs we opened our cards and presents from people. We were sent some really lovely things for Kezia. I wasn't expecting so many people to remember and send something along. So thank you to all who sent a card or a present. It was really kind of you to think of her. :D

Uncle Wato came to visit in the morning and we all had a lovely time together before he had to dash off. He got Kezia the cutest little pink wooden trike with trailer that you are ever likely to see! chuckle. In return for buying Kezia such a wonderful present ,we allowed him the honour of helping Chance pump up the inflatable pirate ship - a gift from Chance to Kezia.

Now, we were fine doing the inflatable hats, swords and shields as they were relatively small, but the ship itself turned out to be a different matter. I think we will have to get an electric pump! The pirate ship was significantly  bigger than we had anticipated ... so big, in fact, that it filled most of the available floorspace in the playroom .At the  moment the only thing that can be played with in the playroom is, in fact, the pirate ship. We thought it was going to be half the size ... good job it's designed to be a paddling pool with water jets etc as it will disappear to the size of a postage stamp in the garden! In the meantime, we have filled it with lots of ball-pit balls that Grandma and Grandpa Watkinson bought for her. Which seems to be doing the trick nicely!

In the afternoon of the day of her birthday we had more guests when Kezia's Grandma Lynn, Great Aunty Sue, Great Uncle Trevor and cousin Harry came round to play. The Wyatts had bought Kezia the most amazing palamino rocking horse that has buttons in the ears that you press for different sounds. The mouth even moves when it neighs! We haven't decided on a name for it yet, but she loves it already. :D Kezia also had a brilliant time rolling around the inflatable pirate ship with Harry and had a good old chuckle with him. She sure loves her cousin Harry!

One of my best friends, Nuria, nipped in too and bought Kezia a lovely flip phone that makes all different sorts of sounds. It is becoming a firm favourite in the toy bag already ...

So we had cake, lit the candle and sang Happy Birthday to Kezia. As she was too young to blow the candle out Harry did it in her honour! tee hee!

On the Friday of her Birthday weekend her Grandma and Grampy Hooper came to see her and, as always, spoilt Kez rotten! She got 2 waybuloo toys - Nock Tock and De-Li - so now she has the complete set! She also had a  waybuloo hard book which, as soon as she was given it , she started to point to the waybuloos hidden in the garden. She also got a lovely waybuloo blanket with Yo-Jo-Jo on it, that her Grampy had spotted and bought all on his own!

I had some serious cake baking to do on the Friday, ready for the bigger party on Saturday, so Robin took Kezia to the only place a man could - the inevitable pull of the pirate ship became to much ... Whilst in the play room Kezia showed off her musical skills and showed Grampy just how clever she is at hitting all the different keys on the iano - sometimes in a big mash up, somtimes just individual notes. She also recognises different pitches in notes, so will follow sounds up the piano and play keys alternately to hear the different sounds. I may have a pianist on my hands! I don't think there will be any doubt, though, that playing some form of musical instrument (or percussion!) is in her future somewhere!
On the Saturday we had a birthday party with as many family as could make it. It was a lovely day. Kezia's Great Grandpa Watkinson was there. They had bought her a brilliant little walker which she sat and played with. In fact, it didn't take her long at all to get the hang of how the front worked and was soon a pro ...

She also got a pair of jodhpurs and a horse brush from her cousins Tom, Ruth and Vicki ... just scrummy! Jo followed with the horse theme too and bought her a lovely soft horse teddy ... and as luck would have it, the lady over the road bought Kezia a teddy-horse rucksack for her days out! I think Chance is starting to get the idea! chuckle. 

She was also bought some lovely clothes by Sophie and Dan, and Kezia's Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Church. She's going to look scrummy in her lil bits. :D

We all lit the second birthday cake, which I forgot to take a picture of (D'Oh) but it was a tray of bricks and alphabet blocks! Chance and I blew her candle out this time ... :D

All in all I think everyone had a lovely time.

It has been a true pleasure to watch Kezia grow over the last year. Each week has seen something different, some change that is really starting to give us a glimpse of the wonderful little girl that she is turning into. I look back on the last year and I do feel a small sense of sadness. We were so happy to have Kezia enter our lives and we all spent nine months anticipating her arrival with baited breath. And she was so unbelievably wonderful when she got here. She has always been patient, she's always been a well behaved and peaceful baby. Because of her good behaviour Chance and I were able to pick up part of our old life, like going to country houses, with Kezia within two weeks. And, to be honest, the two weeks were more down to Chance  and I getting the hang of going for a good day out without packing the entire house up! Something we have become quite proficient at now! I know I will never have those 'baby' days back with her again, but the sadness of that thought is also filled with a sense of pride and happiness.

I am proud that she is now one. Watching her grow has been a huge pleasure.
But you know what, it will only remain a pleasure whilst it continues to happen. A year ago we could not have imagined just what a beautiful little girl Kezia would be today. Beautiful outside and in.

So imagine how amazing she will be this time next year ...

With huge love to you all. 


Birthday pics (some from my phone still to be added):